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Adding a new client in Collector Instance of IPLMS


The customer will be looking to add a new collector instance to existing IPLMS servers. This article provides the procedure to add server instances from the Backend. As input customer needs to share the service for which the client needs to be added. Once the service is provided the correct Service Port number can be identified in the Server Manager UI or Server Configuration in the backend.


Step-by-Step Guide

  • Here we are using an example of service assigned to Service Port Number 4434. The client needs to be added for this service and in this case, it is a BNG as configured for the client. Change the number as per the customer's requirement on the ticket. If unsure ask the customer for the Service Port number
  • This procedure applies to customers who are on a version prior to IPLMS version 7.2.x which requires this configuration to be done at the Backend. 
  • SSH onto the Server and go to the following path. 
  • cd $CRESTEL_P_ENGINE/module/mediation/config/4434/services/netflowbinarycollection/000/
  • Take a backup of netflowbinarycollectionservice.xml file.
  • Open the "netflowbinarycollectionservice.xml" file using an editor such as vi.
  • Add the details provided by the customer with the IP Address/Port/file nomenclature/rolling value/rolling type in the below format. Note: One such entry needs to be added for each client to be added.
  • Usually, the process is to go to the end of the already existing file, Copy the last entry and increment the RangeNumber and modify the client-ip value in the filename
  • <client>
    <abnormal-time-alert enabled="false">
  • Here is an example of value-added before and after for ACT Customer:
  • Save the files and ask the customer to restart the Collector service in a Maintenance Window.
  • Note: Usually the customer themselves will restart. If the customer insists to restart please follow the below steps.
  • To restart the service do the following:
    • cd $CRESTEL_P_ENGINE/module/mediation/bin/
    • sh 4434
    • cms> shutdown
    • Now start the service using the command from the script located in $CRESTEL_P_ENGINE/module/mediation/bin/
    • sh <command found in script>. For Example:
    • Verify if the client IP Address is still available using:
      • cat natflowcollectionservice.xml | grep  <client-Ip>


Validate the counter status using the below command on the CMS prompt at the given path:

  • cd $CRESTEL_P_ENGINE/module/mediation/bin/
  • sh 4434

New Client should present on the output of COUNTERSTATUS and the value should change when the COUNTERSTATUS is checked after a few minutes.



This is just an observation during a customer call where the application restart was not working as expected. The environment variables need to be verified thoroughly and we need to ensure that the home variable is declared as expected. If the directory settings are not properly declared(before executing the startup scripts), the scripts may fail to start the process as expected. The environment variables can be retrieved from the scripts and can be verified on the shell to look for any discrepancies.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
