The TataPlay Fiber customer is experiencing two main issues. The first issue is the high disk space utilization of the /U01 partition on their server, which has reached 90% capacity. The second issue is related to pending files on a specific path on the server, which are not being processed as expected.
To resolve the high utilization of the /U01 partition on the server, the purging script needs to be run with an increased ulimit value. The script is usually located at /opt/stlmediationsetup/script/raw_purge.sh and is designed to delete data that is 8 and 10 days old. The command to run the script with an increased ulimit value is:
ulimit -s 1000000;sh /opt/stlmediationsetup/script/raw_purge.sh
For the issue of pending files on a specific path on the CHN COL1 server, the distribution service needs to be restarted. The steps to do this are:
- Navigate to the path cd $CRESTEL_P_ENGINE/module/mediation/config/8405/service/distributionservice/ (change 8405 to the port being used)
- Copy the contents of the folder 000/ to a new folder named 001/
- Inside the 001/ folder, update the service path in the distribution-service.xml file to the location where the backlog is present using the vi command.
- Restart the service by running sh $CRESTEL_P_ENGINE/module/mediation/bin/startServer_8405.sh ( change 8405 to the port being used)
By increasing the ulimit value and running the purging script, the high utilization of the /U01 partition on the server can be resolved. The issue of pending files on the CHN COL1 server can be resolved by restarting the distribution service following the steps provided.
- What is the cause of high utilization of the /U01 partition on the server?
The high utilization is caused by a failure of the purging script to delete old data due to a low ulimit value. - What is causing the pending files on the CHN COL1 server?
The pending files are caused by a halt in the distribution service. - How can these issues be resolved?
The high utilization can be resolved by running the purging script with an increased ulimit value. The pending files can be resolved by restarting the distribution service.
Priyanka Bhotika