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IPLMS Search is Slow


The customer says that Search from IPLMS UI is slow and it's taking an average 20 minutes and above to query 1 IP Address.


Connect to the customer's System and do a search in Backend backup directory for the particular date. For example, if the query for April 11, 2022, do the following:

  • cd /backups/IPLOG_OUT/2022/4/11/
  • find /backups/IPLOG_OUT/2022/4/11/. -iname "*.gz" -type f | xargs zcat| grep ",<IP Address>,"

If data is found continue the Search in UI by following the article - IPLMS Usage Data not found for an IP Address and share Audit details with the customer.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
